Summer 2000
You're So Special: Teresa Foley, Stacy Berlin, David Crain, Jim Pfanner

Teresa Foley, PsyD
Congratulations to former Board of Directors member Teresa Foley, who graduated from California School of Professional Psychology-LA on May 14, with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology, specializing in Multi-Cultural  Psychology and Community Psychology. Congratulations Dr. Foley! 

Stacy Berlin, PsyD
It is with great joy that we announce the recent licensure of Dr. Berlin, after having received news that she had successfully passed her oral examination.  Dr. Berlin has been featured in “You’re So Special”  (Summer 1999), and this truly markes an important addition to remarks published previously.  She is now seeking office space in the West Los Angeles area and is willing to consider any suggestions you may have in fulfilling this need.  You may contact her by calling (310) 472-8489.  We are proud of Dr. Berlin and wish her many successful years in practice as a psychologist.

David Crain, PsyD
Congratulations to recently elected Board of Directors member, David Crain, who recently graduated from Ryokan College with a doctorate in Psychology. He has been an active professional in mental health since 1984, and has enjoyed a variety of clinical experiences that make him an asset to LAGPA in his new service as Board of Directors member. Congratulations Dr. Crain!

Jim Pfanner, MA
Jim graduated from Phillips Graduate Institute on Sunday, June 11, 2000. The graduation was held at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel Ballroom near LAX.  His degree is a Masters of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy. He will be continuing to work his "day job" at NBC Studios for a while, but will be interning at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center. His goal is an MFT license and would like to expand his clinical focus into geriatrics with the GLBT community in Los Angeles. Congratulations Jim!

Do you know of anybody currently serving or studying to serve the gay and lesbian mental health field who has either done something that we can all be proud of or produced something that we should be aware of? If so, please let us know so that we can include such information in our upcoming newsletters. It is important for us to recognize those who are leading the way in this field, and are able to help us gather some insight or practical ideas as to how to expand upon our current skills and knowledge. Please write to us and let us know what it is about that special someone you would like to introduce us to. Write to:

LAGPA-Someone Special
2314 Moreno Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90039

Thanks for taking the time to share your treasured find with the rest of us!

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