am always amazed by the unexpected and sometimes unusual ways we are called to be of service.
Some of you may have read an article I wrote for 'IN LA' magazine, recently, regarding the
counseling I am doing at two gay bathhouses, Melrose Spa and 1350 Club (Long Beach). It is a
setting in which I never dreamed I would be working. The few hours each week that I counsel
the patrons of these highly sexual environments keep demonstrating the miracles possible if we
are willing to just show up and be present. Needless to say, many of the men I speak to at the
baths had no intention of spending part of their afternoon delving into their secret pains.
But, all those I deal with are relieved to feel the safety and lack of judgement that I
attempt to offer. A few of the men have "passed by my office" many times, or for
many weeks, before summoning the courage to enter and ask for help. I need your help in supporting this service. Many of
the men at the baths are unable to pay full fee for private therapy. For the men in the Long
Beach club, I can refer them to The Center for Psychotherapy, which has some fee flexibility.
The Lesbian and Gay Services Center in Hollywood is a source for the men at Melrose Spa. As
you can imagine, some are not ready to attend a visible gay identified agency and have limited
funds. If any of you are able to take on new clients with limited ability to pay please let me
know. If you see this as your "call to service' for those still living in a dark veil of
secrecy it will make their lives and my job easier and your life more enriched.
As long as I am on the topic of a 'call to
service', LAGPA now is offering opportunities for the general membership to serve the
organization, as well as the community in which we live. The board of directors has created
four standing committees which we feel can assist LAGPA in more fully achieving its' goals and
purpose. Many members are not interested in board membership and the administrative
responsibilities associated with it. However, some of you have passion and expertise in more
specific areas. Serving on one or more of the following committees may offer you a more
exciting focus for your skills and interests. The committees are:
- Communications: Newsletter, PR, Marketing,
Networking, Political Advocacy, etc.
- Development: Fundraising, Grants, etc.
- Program: Annual Conference, Educational Forums,
Special Events, etc.
- Membership: Outreach to current and new
members, Graduate Students, expanding associate and Agency Memberships, etc.
For the betterment of all, please get
involved. Thank you. |